What's in a name?

What’s in a name? That which we call a soup by any other name would warm the body… right? Wrong. This week we are spicing up your cooking repertoire with soup’s chilly Andalusian cousin, Gazpacho. This cool, refreshing soup made with fresh raw vegetables and...

Pecan Chicken Salad

Another Iron Hill throwback recipe has arrived from the craft cookbook for a second life in your home kitchen. Our Pecan Chicken Salad is super easy to make at home (trust me, we tried it!)—not to mention the liberty to build your own *perfect* sandwich is a...

A Peek Into the Iron Hill Cookbook

During the dog days of summer along the Mid-Atlantic coast, when many are hoping for one more chance to hit the beach (or for our Jersey friends, head down the shore), those plans are often dampened by the overlapping hurricane season. Incidentally, the cool rain and...

New Menu – Coming Soon!

A Message From Our CEO: Kim Boerema (July 2020): As the markets in which we operate continue to open slowly, I wanted to again thank our loyal guests for all the support during these extraordinary times. To our incredible employees and management teams, your heroic...

The Road To Gold

The Road To Gold You don’t become the winningest craft brewery this side of the Mississippi by winning a few medals here or there. Over the years, Iron Hill has been fortunate enough to have such talented brewers, brewing incredible beers that keep winning medal after...